All teens have to have some respect for their parents to ask if you allow them to do certain actions which they may not have the maturity nor the experience of their parents
Ethics and Values
Ethics is something that relate to the behavior of people and need to have good relations with anyone
Values are things to be learned from very young to start putting into practice at an early age to be a good person in life.
Private property
Is the power of something or someone on land where no one can enter without permission from the owner. this is due to respect simpre otherwise we would be invading the property.
Expo-Tec 2011
We participate in building an analog tachometer which we half the engine rpm that to know the applications of sensors measuring devices for this project was made the subject of Instrumentation and electronics. served for both of us that had an IR sensor and a PIC.
Ethical Choices
la etica en nuestra escuela se podria decir que es buena aunque algunas veces hay excepciones y desde mi punto de vista no se aplica.
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